MCQ on Forensic Psychology

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#1. Marijuana smoking impairs the operation of motor vehicles for how long after it use?

#2. Delusion of infidelity is seen in:

#3. Mc Naughten's rule is for:

#4. All the following are Impulse Control Disorders except:

#5. A patient with pneumonia for 5 days admitted in hospital, suddenly ceases to recognise doctor and staff and thinks he is in jail, he complains of scorpions moving around, is in altered sensorium, condition is:

#6. Sexual perversion includes following, except;

#7. What is the natural substrate for the cannabinoid receptor in the brain?

#8. In catatonic schizophrenia, all are seen except;

#9. Patient presents with altered behaviour, delusions and hallucinations, suggestive of:

#10. A Polygraph test is used for the detection of:

#11. Depression is most common in:

#12. Delusion is not seen in:


#13. Giving meaning to a stimulus is called as:

#14. Which drug is used in carrying out “Narco Analysis’?

#15. The following are the core symptoms of Delirium Tremens except:

#16. Korsakoffs Psychosis results as a result of damage to the:

#17. Who among these would help the victim to come out of a state of mental trauma?

#18. 3 year old girl has delayed developmental milestone, delayed speech, difficulty in concentrating on studies, plays with herself & does not make friends. Diagnosis is:

#19. Deliberate self harm is classically seen in:

#20. 20 yrs old female develops sudden episodic palpitation, tremors, fear of impending doom. Diagnosis is:

#21. Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and manyanticonvulsants exert their influence through which of the following types of receptors?

#22. Amotivational Syndrome has been reported with chronic use of:

#23. The sexual focus is on objects that are intimately associated with human body. This is:

#24. The name ‘Keeler’ is associated with:

#25. The following condition is not a Dissociative Disorder:

#26. Which is not a neurotic trait?

#27. Polygraph was discovered by:

#28. Delusion is a disorder of:

#29. Chasing the Dragon is:

#30. Pseudodementia is:

#31. The following drugs are high potency anti psychotic drugs, except:

#32. Which of the following is not classical of schizophrenia?

#33. Which of the following drug is not used in Narco-analysis?

#34. Which of the following physiological parameters is not assessed in polygraph testing?

#35. Pyromania is:

#36. Delusion is a:

#37. The scientific study of human mind and its functions especially those affecting behaviour in a given context is known as:

#38. Irresistible urge to move about and increased motor activity is:

#39. Drug of choice in resistant schizophrenia is:

#40. The following are Opioid withdrawal symptoms, except:

#41. “Agora” in Agoraphobia means

#42. Naltrexone is used in opioid dependence to:

#43. In which one of the following year, Polygraph was patented?

#44. Which of the following is used for narcoanalysis?

#45. Eating the flesh of corpse for sexual gratification is called:

#46. Drug of choice in OCD:

#47. The most common psychiatric disorder is:

#48. Physical dependence is not a feature of using:

#49. Pseudocyesis refers to false:

#50. Lie detector measures, the following parameters of an individual :

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