MCQs on Instrumentation

Enhance your Knowledge of Instrumentation by taking this test.

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#1. In GC-MS, a process in which an inert gas is bubbled through the water is known as:

#2. The following method is used for determining the age of an ink by tracking the degradation of certain dyes.

#3. The image seen through a compound microscope is:

#4. Pyrolysis gas chromatography is useful technique for characterization of the following paint constituents:

#5. the modern breath alcohol instrument is based on technology of:

#6. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about mass spectrometry?

#7. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by:

#8. NMR is a tool to investigate:

#9. In SEM, the incident beam is focused by means of:

#10. Within a monochrometer, the necessary collimation and focusing are performed by:

#11. The working of Polilight is based on ______.

#12. Following column packing materials are available in HPLC:

#13. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by:

#14. A carrier gas in GLC should have the following characteristics except:

#15. Neutron Activation Analysis detects the presence of following in G.S.R:

#16. Which of the following is not a part of the mechanical system of a compound microscope?

#17. HPLC was discovered by:

#18. Which one of the following is an ionization source for GC-MS:

#19. Which of the following is not true in case of a radiation source?

#20. Infrared spectra of paint sample without any preprocessing can be obtained by technique of:

#21. First systematic presentation of Neutron activation analysis method was made by:

#22. Optical components in UV spectrometer are made up of:

#23. In which one of the following types of liquid chromatography, immobilized biochemical is used as a stationary phase?

#24. Which one of the following cannot be conserved during Raman Scattering?

#25. Which of the following instrument is used to identify the organic drugs?

#26. Darker of the crossing lines appears to be uppermost whether it is or not. This phenomenon is known as:

#27. Which one of the following statements is true about the migration of biomolecules in electrophoresis?

#28. MCT detector is used in:

#29. Which type of neutron is most suitable for NAA technique?

#30. The solid absorbent used in modified clean –up method are:

#31. The following method is non-destructive technique for ink identification:

#32. One of the options mentioned is not a step involved in PCR technique:

#33. The presence of two isotopes of Bromine i.e Br79 and Br81 can simply be detected in mass spectra when the peak intensities of their M and M+2 are in the ratio of:

#34. Effusion separator which is used in GC-MS is basically:

#35. IR spectra fail to distinguish:

#36. Salylation is used in:

#37. X-ray diffraction patterns are used for studying crystal structure of solids because:

#38. ______ is used as neutron moderator in NAA in TRIGA reactor.

#39. Following detector in HPLC generates structural and molecular weight information about the eluted solute:

#40. The ‘magic angle’ of NMR is at:

#41. X-ray spectra are quite simple because:

#42. Following technique provides a unique fingerprint of a chemical structure:

#43. Identification of nature of adulterants in cement sample can be carried out easily by:

#44. In capillary electrophoresis, which flow causes the movement of electrolyte through the tube?

#45. Which of the following is used as a detector in HPLC?

#46. ABI prism 310 genetic analyzers use POP-4 and POP-6 for capillary electrophoresis. POP stands for:

#47. In X-ray spectroscopy, atoms are excited by:

#48. The System for measurement of ion intensity in the GC-MS system consists of which one of the following?

#49. Identify the correct order, in which various components of X-ray diffractometer are placed:

#50. In a solid sample preparation technique in IR spectroscopy, the finely ground solid sample is mixed with mineral oil to make a thick paste which is then spread between IR transparent windows. What is the name of this solid sample preparation technique?

#51. Bertrand lens is a part of the following microscope:

#52. ‘Stass-Otto’ process is used for:

#53. During gravimetric method of cement analysis, filtrate –D is used for calculation of:

#54. In paint examination, pyrolysis gas chromatography is useful for characterizing

#55. In gas chromatography technique, which of the following gases is not suitable?

#56. An instrument that measures the radiant power of two electromagnetic beams is called:

#57. Following instrument can view a particle under a microscope while at the same time a beam of light is directed at the particle in order to obtain its absorption spectrum:

#58. Which of the following illumination cannot be used in stereomicroscope?

#59. Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) is used in the following:

#60. Which of the following is used to analyze for the presence of ‘Gun-Shot-Residue’?

#61. Spherical aberration means:

#62. A current which will exist even if no light is falling on the UV-V is detectors is known as

#63. Sodium-halide-bromide cell window are used in:

#64. Electrode less Discharge Lamp (EDL) is used in:

#65. Vicat apparatus is used for analysis of cement to observe:

#66. Basic requirements of a monochromator are:

#67. The major advantage of the SEM includes the following except:

#68. Half-life (T1/2) of archaeological objects can be determined by:

#69. Which of the following techniques can be used in analysis of fibres?

#70. Hot stage microscope is used in forensic examination of glass of measure:

#71. In simple microscope if focal length of lens is 1 cm, then magnification power lies at

#72. Exciter filter is a part of the following microscope:

#73. Which of the following can not be detected through radioimmunoassay?

#74. Mass Spectrometry requires the sample to be in:

#75. In XRF spectrometry, the excitation source is:

#76. Spin-spin coupling is observed in:

#77. Rocket Immuno-electrophoresis is also known as:

#78. Typical LOD (ng/injection) value for Refractive Index detector in HPLC is:

#79. Micellar extraction of forensic analytes is carried out in the presence of:


#80. The comparison of test and scene tool marks is usually performed using:





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