Interference Microscope


Interference Microscope is useful in the observation of thicker object actually thicker object prevents all Parts from coming into focus all at once, so lenses of higher magnification may not be used for such objects.

Schematic diagram of the interference microscope Wyko Ò NT1100 uploaded by M. Elisabete C.D. Real Oliveira

Interference Microscope provides a three-dimensional appearance of such objects. It enhances the depth of focus so that thicker object can be observed at higher magnification (about 1500X).

Theory and Principle

It is based on the principle similar to that of phase contrast Microscope. Here the light from the incandescent source is passed through a polarizer, vibrates in a single plane. This beam of light is then spilt up into two beams with the help of semi-reflecting mirror, prism. One beam is sent through the object, other bypasses the object the beam passing through the object the beam passing through the object is retarded, both the beam are recombined with the help of mirror.


• By using interference Microscopy we can measure dry weight of cellular structure, thickness of the object, water content etc.

• Small or continuous changes in refractive index may be elected.

• Edges of the cell nucleus may be viewed under this Microscope.

• This Microscope enhances the depth of focus so that thicker Specimen can be observed at higher magnification.

Author Info: This article authored by Siddhartha Dipak Yelkar is pursuing his degree in Sciences from Shree Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce and Science college, Akola.

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