Collection And Preservation Of Biological Samples In Sexual Offences


👉Sexual assault is a legal term used to describe a range of sexual offences, from showing indecent images to another person, to kissing or touching them, as well as penetration of the person’s body with a body part or object.

👉‘Sexual assault’ is often called other names like: Sexual abuse, rape, indecent behaviour, indecent assault, sexual molestation, incest, child sexual abuse, child sexual assault, touching, ‘feeling up’, sexual harassment.

👉The legal term for all these kinds of offences is ‘sexual assault’.

👉The circumstances behind any report of rape or sexual assault are unique, so the way of investigation of each one can vary.

👉 However, every investigation starts with the same steps to collect as much evidence as be possible. In this process forensic team have to do lots of efforts.

✍Here we are going to talk about how to collect and preserved evidences in case of Sexual Assault , Which type of tools are needed and What kinds of evidences should be collected.

:: Tools Used To Collect Samples::

1. Blood Collection Tube
2. Pubic Hair Combings Envelope, Towel & Plastic Comb
3. Saliva Sample Envelope, Sterile Swabs & Box
4. Head Hair Combings Envelope, Towel & Plastic Comb
5. Debris Collection Envelope, Paper Bindle, Sterile Swabs & Box
6. Vaginal/Penile Swabs & Smear Envelope
7. Pulled Pubic Hair Envelope
8. Fingernail Scrapings/Swabbings
9. Biohazard Label
10. Outer Clothing Bag
11. Oral Swabs & Smear Envelope
12. Pulled Head Hair Envelope
13. Anal Swabs & Smear Envelope

Swabbing from following sites is done to obtain stains for DNA profiling and Matching ::

1. Oral swabs
2. Buccal swabs
3. External genital swabs
4. Vaginal swabs
5. Cervical swabs
6. Rectal swabs
Other Samples for DNA
1. Pubic Hair Combings
2. Head hair collected
3. Fingernail scrapings
4. Victim underwear

• The Upper Vagina, Posterior Fornix, Cervix And The Using A Speculum If Permitted.
• Around The Vaginal Orifice And The Interior Of Vulval Labia.
• Mid Vagina.
• If more fluid is seen in high vagina pipette can be used to collect these.
• From margin and interior of anus as indicated.
For semen stains preservation either in gauze piece or plain cotton – wool swabs must be used. Samples should be dried before packing, otherwise, these will get decomposed.

For semen stains preservation either in gauze piece or plain cotton – wool swabs must be used. Samples should be dried before packing, otherwise, these will get decomposed.
• If dried semen is suspected on clothing, body or pubic hair cotton swabs moistened with saline can be used.
• Slides should be prepared for examination of spermatozoa.
(wet smear examination at spot).
• Swabs can be used for examination of Prostatic Acid Phosphates and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

• Pubic hair combing samples can be retained for comparison with suspected hair found with suspects.
• Nail clippings or scraping can be preserved for comparison and analysis. (DNA, Traces).
• Any matted pubic hair with semen for sperms, semen and DNA profiling.
• Bite mark swab for DNA profiling.
• Bite marks photographs with scale for identification of accused.
• Teeth photographs of victim for comparison if accused has some bites.
• Swabs should also be preserved for oil/lubricant present over condoms (to establish penetration).
• Any visible lubricant or cream used (for penetration).
Blood and Urine May be collected during a sexual assault forensic examination.

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