Case Studies (Forensic Palynology)

By @forensicfield

Palynology is the study of pollens and spores.


Spore- haploid cell derived from sporganium via meiosis.

Pollens – immature, endosporic male gametophyte derived from male spores (microspores) in seed plants.

Use of Pollens in Forensics

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Have a glance on Some Cases where Palynology have been used:-

CASE 1Arson

An arsonist was detected by rata and puriri pollen left on shoes and in the foot well of the car she drove. The two trees grew beside a school window where the fire was started.

CASE 2Abduction

Pumpkin, broad bean and beetroot pollen on a rope left behind at the scene of a disappearance of a young teenager identified an individual who worked at an orchard.

CASE 3Sexual Assault

Pollen from clothing off victim and suspect showed they both had been at the scene of an alleged sexual assault where Artemisia and other plants grew, supporting the victim’s story.

CASE 4Homicide

After examination of Clothing of a homicide victim Pollens were found and after pollens and mineral analysis of victim’s clothing indicated that she had been murdered beside a river. Her clothing had been placed in nearby mountains to distract the Police from the real homicide scene.

CASE 5Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals

Dust(Pollens) and stable isotope examination of forged anti-malarial pharmaceuticals showed different creation hotspots for the medications and demonstrated the place of source.

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