FACT and FACT Plus Syllabus – 2022

The following is the content of the FACT and FACT Plus Syllabus – 2022. To get the complete syllabus for an elective topic, click on it.






i. Forensic Physics

1) General Guidelines for Physical Evidence Collection

2) Analytical Instruments & Techniques of Forensic Physics

3) Pattern Evidence

4) Essentials of Mathematics & Statistics In Forensic Physics

5) Forensic Voice Authentication

6) Forensic Video Analysis

7) Criminalistics and Forensic Engineering

8) Collision Investigation and Reconstruction

ii. Forensic Ballistics

iii. Forensic Document Examination























Suggested Readings



1. Adler F. (5th Edition) (2004), Criminology, McGraw-Hill.

2. Allison H.C. (1973), Personal Identification, Holbrook Press, Inc.

3. Arrigo A. B.(2002), Introduction to forensic Psychology, Elsevier Inc.

4. Ashraf Mozayani, Carla Noziglia .The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice, 2nd edition, Humana Press 2010

5. Barak G. (1998), Integrative Criminology, Ashgate Pub Ltd.

6. Barnett P.D. (2001), Ethics in Forensic Science: Professional Standards for the Practice of Criminalistics, CRC press .

7. Biderman (1st Edition) (1961), The Manipulation of Human Behavior, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

8. Bridges (1942), Practical Finger Printing, Funk and Washalls Co. New York.

9. Cherril F.R. (1954), The Finger Prints. System at Scotland Yard: A Practical Treatise on Finger Print Identification for the Use of Students and Experts and a Guide for Investigators when Dealing with Imprints Left at the Scenes of Crime, H.M. Stationary office, London.

10. Constitution of India.

11. Cooke G. (1980), The role of Forensic Psychologist, Thomas Publication.

12. Criminal Procedure code.

13. Cummins and Midlo (1943), Finger Prints, Palms and Soles, The Blakiston office London.

14. Gaensselen R., Harris H. and Lee H. (2007), Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics, McGraw-Hill Education.

15. Haward R.C.L. (1981), Forensic Psychology, Batsford Academic and Educational.

16. Hess A.K. and Weiner I.B. (2nd Edition) (1999), Handbook of Forensic Psychology, Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated.

17. Holt S.B. (1968), Genetics of Dermal Ridges, Thomas.

18. Howitt D. (2002), Forensic and Criminal Psychology, Pearson Education Limited.

19. Indian Evidence Act.

20. Indian Penal Code.

21. Jacqueline T. Fish, Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI Handbook of Crime Scene Forensics: The Authoritative Guide to Navigating Crime Scenes 2015

22. James S.H and Nordby J.J. (2003), Forensic Science: An introduction to scientific and investigative techniques, CRC Press, USA.

23. Johnson E.H. (4th Edition) (1978), Crime, Correction and Society, Dorsey Press.

24. Kirk P.L. (1953), Criminal Investigation: physpical evidence and the police laboratory, Interscience Publisher Inc. New York.

25. Mehta M. K. (1980), Identification of Thumb Impression & Cross Examination of Finger Prints, N. M. Tripathi (P) Ltd. Bombay.

26. Moenssens (1975), Finger Prints Techniques, Chitton Book Co. Philadelphia, New York.

27. Nanda B.B. and Tewari, R.K. (2001), Forensic Science in India: A vision for the twenty first century, Select Publisher, New Delhi.

28. Nickolas P. and Sherman H. (2006), Illustrated Guide to Crlme Scene Investigation, CRC press.

29. O’Hara C.E. and Osterburg J.W. (1949). Introduction to Criminalistics, The MacMillan Co.

30. Osterburg J.W. (1968), The Crime Laboratory: Case Studies of Scientific Criminal Investigation, West Group.

31. Raul Sutton, Keith Trueman, Christopher Moran. Crime Scene Management: Scene Specific Methods, Wiley Publishers 2016

32. Richard Saferstein. Forensic Science: From the Crime Scene to the Crime Lab, Prentice Hall, 2014

33. Reid S.T. (12th Edition) (2008), Crime and Criminology, Oxford University Press, USA.

34. Saferstien R. (8th Edition) (1976), Forensic Science Handbook, Prentice Hall Inc. USA.

35. Sharma B.R. (2003) Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation and Trials, Universal Law Publishing Company.

36. Stuart H. James, John J. Nordby, Suzanne Bell. Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigation Techniques, 4th edition, CRC Press 2014

37. Wentworth and Wilder (1948), Personal Identification, R. G. Badger, Boston.



i. Forensic Physics

1. AATCC Technical Manual of American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, Vol-75 (2000), American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, USA

2. Albert S. Osborn; “Questioned Documents”, 2nd Ed., Universal Law Pub., Delhi, 1998.

3. Albert S Osborn; “The Problem of Proof”, 2nd Ed., Universal Law Pub. Delhi, 1998.

4. Allan Matchett; “CCTV for Security Professionals”, Elsevier, Butterworth Heinemann, 2003.

5. Arora, S. P. &Bindra, S. P., “A Text Book of Building Construction”, DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi, 2010

6. Atkins, P.W.; “Physical Chemistry”, 6th Edition, Oxford University, 1998.

7. Austerberg David; “The Technology of Video & Audio Streaming”, Focal Press, 2013.

8. B. A. J.Fisher, D. R. Fisher;“Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, 8th Edition”, CRC Press London, 2012.

9. Banwell C.L &Elani M.M.C; “Fundamental of Molecular Spectroscopy”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.,1995.

10. B. Caddy; “Forensic Examination of Glass and Paints Analysis and Interpretation”, ISBN 0784 05749, 2000

11. Bengold& Nelson Moryson; “Speech and Audio signal processing”, John Wiley & Sons, USA (1999)

12. Bevel, Tom.; “Bloodstain Pattern Analysis”, Boca Raton CRC Press, 2008

13. Bodziak, W., “Footwear Impression Evidence”, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,2000

14. B.P.Saville; “Physical Testing of Textiles”, The Textile Institute CRC Press and wood head Pub., 2000

15. Brown Blain; “Cinematography: Theory and Practice Image making for Cinematographers and Directors”, Routledge, 2016.

16. B.R Sharma, “Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation & Trials”, Universal Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2003.

17. C.G.G.Aitkens and D. A. Stoney;“The Use of Statistics in Forensic Science”, Ellis Harwood Limited, England 2011.

18. C.G.G Aitkens and Franco Taroni; “Statistics and Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

19. Chatwal G.R & Anand S.K;“Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004.

20. Chatwal G.R;“Analytical Spectroscopy”, 2nd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2002.

21. Christian, G.D.;“Analytical Chemistry”, 6th Edition., John Wiley, 2004

22. C. Kittel; “Solid-state physics”, Wiley 8th Ed, 2008.

23. Clark E.G.C;“Isolation and Identification of drugs, Vol.1 and Vol.2, Academic Press,1986.

24. C P Poole Jr and Franks J Owens; “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley-Inderscience; 1st Ed, 2003.

25. Craig Adam;“Mathematics and Statistics for Forensic Science”, Wiley Blackwell, 2010

26. David A. Crown; “The Forensic Examination of Paints and Pigments”, Toylor& Francis, NY, 2001.

27. David Lucy; “Introduction to Statistics for Forensic Scientists”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., London, 2005.

28. David R.Redsicker; “The Practical Methodology of Forensic Photography”, 2nd Ed. CRC Press LLC, 2001.

29. D.B. Fry; “The Physics of Speech, Cambridge University Press”, (2004)

30. Douglas Skoog, James Holler and Stanley Crouch; “Principles of Instrumental Analysis” 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2017.

31. Dwight Bolinger et. al.; “Aspects of Language”, Third Edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, USA, (1981)

32. E.R.Mengel; “Forensic Physics in 2002 year book”, McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology.

33. E.R.Mengel; “Forensic Physics in 2002-year book”, McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. 2002

34. Fifield, F.W. and Kealy, D.; “Principles and practice of Analytical Chemistry”, 5th Edition, Blackwell Science, 2000.

35. F. Toroni, S. Bozza, A. Biedermann, P. Garbolino; “Data analysis in Forensic Science”, Wiley, 2010.

36. Gloria J. Borden et. al.;“Speech Science Primer (Physiology, Acoustics and perception of Speech)”, 6th Ed, a Wolters Kluwer Company, USA, (2011)

37. G.R Chatwal & S.K Anand; “Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis”, Himalaya Publ. House, 2004.

38. G.R Chatwal; “Analytical Spectroscopy”, 2nd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2002.

39. Harold Franck; “Forensic Engineering Fundamentals”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2013.

40. Harris, D.C.;“Quantitative Chemical Analysis”, 5th Edition., Freeman,1999.

41. Harry Hollien; “Forensic Voice Identification”, Academic Press, London. (2001)

42. Harry Hollien; “The Acoustics of Crime- The New Science of Forensic Phonetics”, Plenum Press, New York and London (1990)

43. H. Henry; “Color photography – A Working Manual”, Little Brown Co. Boston,1995

44. H.L Blitzer& J. Jacob; “Forensic Digital Imaging and Photography”, Academic Press, 2002

45. H.L. Blitzer and J.Jacobia; “Forensic Digital Imaging and Photography”, Academic Press, 2002.

46. H. Lee;“Physical Evidence”, Elsevier, 2000

47. Hobart Willard; “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1988

48. James Michael Curran, TachiaNatilie Hicks and John S. Buckleton; “Forensic Interpretation of Glass Evidence”, CRC Press,2000

49. James, S.H. And Nordby, J. J.; “Forensic Science; An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques”, 4th Edition, CRC Press USA, 2014

50. James, Stuart H.; “Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis”, Boca Raton Taylor & Francis 2005.

51. James W R; “Atomic Spectroscopy”, 2ndEdition, Marcel Dekkar, In, NY, 1966.

52. Jay A.Siegel, Pekka J Saukko and Geoffrey C. Kooupfer; “Encyclopedia of Forensic Science”, Academic Press,2000.

53. J. M. Brown & Campbell, E. A;“The Cambridge handbook of Forensic Psychology”, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2010

54. John Lewis; “Criminalistics for Crime Scene Investigators”, LawTech Publishing Group, 2014.

55. J.Walls; “Forensic Science-An Introduction to Scientific Crime Detection”, 2nd Ed.,Universal, 1st Indian Reprint, 2002.

56. K.C Thomson & R.J Renolds; “Atomic Absorption Fluorescence & Flame Emission Spectroscopy: A Practical Approach”,2nd Edition, Charles Griffin & Co., 1978.

57. Kenneth S. Obenski et. al.; “Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction and Litigation”, Lawyers & Judges Pub. Company. 2011.

58. Kerman Kruggle; “CCTV Surveillance: Practices and Technology”, Elsevier, 2007.

59. Khandpur R.S; “Handbook of Analytical Instruments”, Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co., 2004.

60. Kittler Josef & Mark S. Nixon; “Audio and Video based Biometric Person Authentication”, Springer, 2003.

61. Laboratory procedure manual, Forensic Physics, Directorate of Forensic Science, MHA, Govt. of India2005.

62. Lee,Henry C et. al.; “Advances in Fingerprint technology”, New York CRC Press,2001

63. LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science; “A forensic Guide for Crime Investigators”, LNJN NICFS, 2015.

64. Lynn B. Fricke.; “Traffic Crash Reconstruction”, Northwestern University Center for Public Safety, 2010.

65. Michal Kawulok et al.; “Advances in Face Detection & Facial Image Analysis”, Springer, 2016.

66. Millerson Gerald; “Video Camera Techniques”, Focal Press, 2006.

67. M.M Houck &J.A Siegel; “Fundamentals of Forensic Science”, Academic Press, London, 2006.

68. Musburger, B. Robert & Michael R. Ogden; “Single Camera Video Production”, Focal Press, 2014.

69. Nakanishi Koji; “Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy”, Holden-Day, Inc. 1969)

70. Nick Marsh; “Forensic Photography: A Practitioner’s Guide”, 2014.

71. Oscar Tosi; “Voice Identification-Theory of Legal Applications”, University Park Press, Baltimore (1979)

72. O’Shaughnessy, Douglas; “Speech Communication”, Hyderabad Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2001)

73. Patania V. B; “Spectroscopy”, Campus Books International, 2004.

74. Patricia Ashby; “Speech Sounds”, 2nd Ed. Routledge, London and New York (2005)

75. Philip Rose; “Forensic Speaker Identification,” Taylor and Francis, Forensic Science Series, London (2002)

76. Phillip Rose; “Forensic Speaker Identification”, Taylor & Francis, Forensic Science Series, London,2002

77. Qi Peter Li; “Speaker Identification”, Springer, 2012.

78. Randal Davis; “Evidence Collection and Presentation”, 2nd Edition, LawTech Publishing Group, 2016.

79. Raul Sutton, Keith Trueman and Chris Moran;“Crime scene management: Scene Specific Methods”,John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

80. R.E. Jacobson, S.F.Ray, G.G.Attridge;“The Manual of Photography- Photographic and Digital Imaging”, N.R. Oxford, 2000.

81. Richard Saferstein; “Forensic Science: An Introduction”, Prentice Hall Inc., USA, 2010

82. Robert C. Shaler; “Crime Scene Forensics: A Scientific Method Approach”, CRC Press London, 2012.

83. Robinson James; “Atomic Spectroscopy” 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker 1996.

84. R.S Khandpur; “Handbook of Analytical Instruments”, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publ. Co., 2004.

85. R. W. Rivers.; “Basic Physics: Notes for Traffic Crash Investigators and Reconstructionists: An Introduction for Some, a Review for Others”, Charles C. Thomas Pub Ltd, 2004.

86. R. W. Rivers; “Evidence in Traffic Crash Investigation and Reconstruction: Identification, Interpretation and Analysis of Evidence, and the Traffic Crash Investigation and Reconstruction”, Charles C. Thomas Pub Ltd. 2006.

87. S.H James and John Nordby;“Forensic Science- An Introduction to Scientific and investigative Techniques”, CRC Press, USA, 2003

88. S. H. James, J. J. Forensic science;“An introduction of Scientific and Investigative Technique”,CRC press 2003 and 2005

89. S. H. James, J. J. Nordby;“Forensic science: An introduction of Scientific and Investigative Technique”, CRC press 2003 and 2005.

90. Silverstein, R.M., and Webster, F.X.;“Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds”, 6th Edition., Wiley, 1997.

91. Silverstein R.M Webster F.X; “Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds” 6th Edition, John Wiley 7 Sons, Inc.,1997.

92. Simon J. Godsill; “Digital Audio Restoration”, Springer, (1998)

93. Stan Z Li & Anil Kumar Jain; “Handbook of Face Recognition”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2011.

94. Sunshine I;“Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry”, CRC Press, 1969.

95. Thomson K. C &Renolds R.J; “Atomic Absorption Fluorescence & Flame Emission Spectroscopy: A Practical Approach”,2nd Edition, Charles Griffin & Co.,1978.

96. Tony L. Becker; “Lamp Examination for Traffic Collision Investigators”, Institute of Police Technology and Management. 1995

97. Upton Kobre, Brill; “Photography”, Pearson Education, Inc, 2006.

98. V.B Patania; “Spectroscopy”, Campus Books International, 2004.

99. Welcher Frank; “Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis”, 6th Edition, Van Nostrand

100. Wheeler, Paul; “Digital Cinematography”, Focal Press, 2001.

101. Wilson R. Harrison; “Suspect Documents and their Scientific Examination”, Universal Law Pub. Delhi Indian Reprint, 2001.

102. Working manual of VSC-5000.

103. Working Procedure Manual, Physics BPR&D Publication 2000.

ii. Forensic Ballistics

1. B.R. Sharma. Firearms in Criminal Investigation & Trials, Universal Law Publishing 2017

2. Julian S. Hatcher, Frank J. Jury, Jac Weller Major. Firearms Investigation, Identification, and Evidence, 2006

3. Vincent J.M. DiMaio. Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques, 3rd edition, CRC Press 2015

4. Heard, B.J; “Handbook of Firearms and Ballistics”, John Wiley, England, 1997.

5. Sellier, K.G. et al; “Wound Ballistics and the Scientific Background”, Elsevier Pub. Co., London, 1994.

6. Jauhari M; “Identification of Firearms, Ammunition, & Firearms Injuries”, BPR&D, New Delhi.

7. Schooeble, A.J. and Exline, L.D; “Current methods in Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis”, CRC Press, NY,2000.

8. Beyer, J.C. (Ed); “Wound Ballistics”, USPrinting Office, Washington, 1962.

9. Wilber; “Ballistic Science for the Law Enforcement Officer”, Charles C. Thomas, USA, 1977.

10. Whelen; “Smallarms Design and Ballistics”, Vol II, Smallarms Technicaql Publishing Company, USA, 1946.

11. Julian S. Hatcher; “Hatcher’s Notebook”, The Telegraph Press, Pennsylvania, USA, 1966.

iii. Forensic Document Examination

1. Ordway Hilton; Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents. Revised Edition, Elsevier, NY (1982).

2. Albert S. Osborn; Questioned Documents, 2nd Ed., universal Law Pub., Delhi (1998).

3. Albert S Osborn; The Problem of Proof, 2nd Ed., Universal Law Pub. Delhi (1998)

4. Charles C. Thomas; I.S.Q.D. Identification System for Questioned Documents, Billy Prior Bates Springfield, Illinois, USA (1971)

5. Wilson R. Harrison; Suspect Documents Their Scientific Examination, Universal Law Pub. Delhi Indian Reprint (2001)

6. Morris Ron N; Forensic Handwriting Identification, Acad Press, London (2001)

7. Kurtz Sheila; Graphotypes a new Plant on Handwriting Analysis, Crown Pub. Inc., USA (1983)

8. Lerinson Jay; Questioned Documents, Acad Press, London (2001)

9. Mcmenamin Gerald R, Forensic Linguistics-Advances in Forensic Stylistics, CRC Press, Washington Dc

10. Ellen Davin; Questioned Documents – Scientific Examination, Taylor & Francis, Washington (1997)

11. Roy A Huber, AM Headrick, Handwriting Identification-Facts & Fundamental, CRC Press (1999)

12. Andrea Mc Nichol, Jeffrey A Nelson; Handwriting Analysis Putting it to work for you, Jaico Books, Delhi (1994)

13. Vacca John R; Computer Forensics- Computer crime scene Investigation, Firewall Medial, An imprint of Laxmi Pub(2002)

14. Casey Eoghan; Handbook of computer crime Investigation, Forensic Tools & Technology- Academic Press (2002)

15. Morris (2000); Forensic Handwriting Identification (fundamental concepts & Principals)

16. Madinger J & Zalopany AR; (1999) -Money Laundering- CRC Press

17. Manning CA;(1999) -Financial Investigation & Forensic Accounting- CRC Press.

18. Brewster F.; Contested Documents and Forgeries,” The Eastern Law House, Kolkata.

19. Quirke AJ; Forged Anonymous & Suspect Documents- 1930, Reorge Rontledge & Sons Ltd, London.

20. Katherine M Kappenhaver, CDE-Forensic Document Examination-Humana Press.

21. Jan Seaman Kelly & Brian S Lindblom-Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents-Taylor Francis Group London and New York.

22. Malcom Coulthard & Alison Johnson-An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics- Taylor & Francis Group London and New York.

23. Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Third Edition: Forensic Science, Computers, and the Internet by Eoghan Casey.

24. Computer Forensics, Third Edition: Computer Crime Scene Investigation by John R Vacca


1. Bolle R.M., Connell J.H., Pankanti S., Ratha N.K. and Senior A.W. (2004), Guide to Biometrics, Springer publications.

2. Goyal R.M. and Pawar M.S. (1994), Computer crimes- concept, control and prevention, Sysman Computer Pvt. Ltd.

3. Jain A.K., Flynn P. and Ross A.A. (2008), Handbook of Biometrics Springer Publications, Springer.

4. Joakim Kävrestad. Guide to Digital Forensics: A Concise and Practical Introduction, Springer 2017

5. John D.W. and Nicholas M.O. (2002), Biometrics: Identity Assurance in the Information age, McGraw Hill.

6. Lee Reiber. Mobile Forensic Investigations: A Guide to Evidence Collection, Analysis, and Presentation, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill 2016

7. Maria P. and Costas P. (2010), Image Processing: The Fundamentals, Wiley.

8. Marie-Helen Maras. Computer Forensics: Cybercriminals, Laws, and Evidence, 2nd edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning 2015

9. NCJRS Library collection, Best practices for seizing electronic evidence v.3: A Pocket Guide for First Responders, US department of Homeland Security.

10. Robert Moore. Cybercrime: Investigating High-Technology Computer Crime, 2nd edition, Routledge 2015

11. Special Report (2nd Edition), Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders, NIJ publication.

12. Special Report, Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement, NIJ Publication.

13. Sridhar S. (2011), Digital Image Processing, Oxford University Press.

14. Stern D.L. (1993), Preventing Computer fraud, Computing Mcgraw-Hill.

15. Tewari R.K., Sastry P.K. and Ravikumar K.V. (2003), Computer Crime & Computer Forensics, Select Publisher, New Delhi.

16. Veerakumar T., Jayaraman S. and Esakkirajan S. (2009), Digital Image Processing, McGraw Hill.

17. Wold G.H. and Shriver R. (1993), Computer Crime techniques Prevention, New Delhi Galgotia Book Source.


Biology, Serology and DNA

1. Alan Gunn. Essential Forensic Biology, 2nd Edition, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell 2009

2. Barris, H. and Hopkinson, D. A. (1976): Handbook of Enzyme, Electrophoresis, Elsevier, North, Holland, New York.

3. Boorman, K. E: Blood Group Serology, Churchill, and Lincolin, P. J. (1988)

4. Chatterjee, C. C- (1975): Human Physiology.

5. Chowdhuri, S. (1971): Forensic Biology, B P R & D, Govt. of India.

6. Culliford, B. E. (1971), The examination and Typing of Blood Stains, US Deptt. of Justice, Washington.

7. Dunsford, I. and Bowley, C. (1967): Blood Grouping Techniques, Oliver & Boyd, London.

8. Eckert, W. G. & James, S.H. (1989): Interpretation of Blood Stain, Evidence, Elsevaier, New York.

9. Fraser, Roberts J.A (1965): An introduction to Medical Genetics.

10. Gilblet, E. (1969): Marker’s in Human Blood, Davis, Pennsylvania.

11. Modi, J.K. (1988): Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, N.M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd.

12. Race, R. R. and Sangar, R. (1975): Blood Groups in Man. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.

13. Richard Li. Forensic Biology, 2nd edition, CRC Press 2015

14. Robertson, J. (1996): Forensic Examination of Hair. Taylor and Francis, USA.

15. Saferstein, R. (1982): Science Handbook, Vol. I, II and III, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Forensic Physical Anthropology including Forensic Medicine:

16. Beals, R.L. and Hozier, H. (1985), An Introduction to Anthropology, Macmillan, New Delhi.

17. Comas, J.A. (1960), Manual of Physical Anthropology, Charles C. Thomas U.S.A.

18. Cummins, H. and Midlo, C. (1961), Finger Prints, Palms and Soles, Dover Publications, U.S.A.

19. David R. Senn and Paul G. Stimson (2nd Edition) (1999), Forensic Dentisty, CRC Press, LLC.

20. Fraser, Roberts, J.A. (1965), An Introduction to Medical Genetics.

21. Glaister (Ed)-Rentoul and Smith (1973), Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh.

22. Gray’s Anatomy (1987): Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh.

23. Hooton, E.A. (1946), Up from the Ape, Macmillan, New York.

24. John. G Clement and David. L. Ranso (1998), Craniofacial Identification in forensic Medicine, Oxiford University, Press.

25. Krishan Vij (2001), Text book of Forensic Medicine, B.I. Churchill Livingstone Pvt. Ltd.

26. Krogman, W.M. And Iscan, M. (1987), Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, Charles & Thomas, U.S.A.

27. Modi, J.K. (1988), Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology, N.M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd.

28. Mukherjee, J.B. (1981), Forensic Medicine & Forensic Toxicology, Academic Publisher.

29. Najjar, and Macwilliams (1979), Forensic Anthropology.

30. Robert A. Jensen (2000), Mass Falality and Casuality Incidents- A field guide, CRC Press.

31. Singh, I.P. and Bhasin M. K. (1968), Anthropometery, Kamla-Raj Publications, Delhi.

32. Steward T.D. (1978), Essentials of Forensic Anthropology, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Limited, 1979.

33. Taylor (2000), Forensic Art and Illustrations, CRC Press.

34. Whitaker, D.K. and MacDonald, D.U. (1989), Forensic Dentistry, Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd.

35. William D. Haglernd, Marculla H. Sorg (1997), Forensic Taphonomy, CRC Press, LLC.

Specialization in Forensic Biology And Serology

36. Alan Gunn, (2nd Edition) (2009), Essential Forensic Biology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

37. Bruce Budowle, Roger G. Breeze, Steven E. Schutzer (2011), Microbial Forensics, Academic Press.

38. David B. Rivers and Gregory A. Dahlem (2014), The Science of Forensic Entomology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

39. David Hall, Jason Byrd (2012), Forensic Botany: A Practical Guide, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

40. Dorothy E. Gennard, (2007), Forensic Entomology: An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

41. Heather Miller Coyle, (2nd Edition) (2012), Forensic Botany, CRC Press INC.

42. Jane E. Huffman, John R. Wallace (2012), Wildlife Forensics: Methods and Applications, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

43. Jason H. Byrd, James L. Castner (2nd Edition) (2012), Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigation, CRC Press INC.

44. Jens Amendt, (2010), Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

45. Julie Roberts, Nicholas Marquez-Grant, (2012), Forensic Ecology: From Crime Scene to Court, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

46. Richard Saferstein (Vol. I,II&III) (1982), Forensic Science Hand book, Prentice Hall, Publications.

47. Robertson, J. (1999), Forensic and microscopic examination of human hair, Taylor & Francis

Advanced Forensic Serology Including DNA Forensics

48. Angel Carracedo, (2004), Forensic DNA Typing Protocols, Humana Press.

49. Barris, H. and Hopkinson, D.A., (1976), Handbook of Enzyme, Electrophoresis, Elesvier Publications

50. Chowdhari, S., (1971), Forensic Biology, BPR & D, Govt, of India.

51. Culliford, B.E., (1971), The Examination and Typing of Blood Stains, US Deptt. of Justice, Washington

52. Dunsford, I and Bowley, C., (1967), Blood Grouping Techniques , Oliver and Boyd, London

53. Henry C. Lee and R.E. Gaensslen; (1990), DNA and other Polymorphism in Forensic Science, Year book Medical Publishers, Inc.

54. John Buckleton, Christopher M. Triggs, Simon J. Walsh, (2005), Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation, CRC Press.

55. John M. Butler, (2010), Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing, Elsevier (USA).

56. John M. Butler, (2012), Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology, Elsevier (USA).

57. John M. Butler, (2nd Edition) (2005), Forensic DNA Typing: Biology, Technology, and Genetics of STR Markers , Elsevier (USA).

58. Lawrence Kobilinsky, L., Liotti, T.F and Sweat, J.O., (2005), DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

59. Race, R.R, and Sanger, R., (1975), Blood Groups in Man, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.

60. Richard Saferstein (Vol. I,II&III) (1982), Forensic Science Hand book, Prentice Hall New Jersey.

61. Rudin, N. and Inman, K. (2nd Edition) (2002), An Introduction to Forensic DNA Analysis, CRC Press.

62. William Goodwin, Adrian Linacre, Sibte Hadi, (2007), An Introduction to Forensic Genetics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Chemistry and Toxicology

1. Arena Poisoning: Chemistry, Symptoms and Treatment.

2. Barry Levine. Principles of Forensic Toxicology, 4th Edition, AACC Press 2013

3. Casarett & Doll Toxicology : The Basic Science of poisons

4. Connors, K.: A text book of Pharmaceuticals analysis, Interscince, New York, 1975.

5. Curry, A.S. : Poison Detection in Human Organs, 1976.

6. Curry: Analytical Methods in Human Toxicology, Part II, 1986.

7. Egon Stahl. Thin-Layer Chromatography: A Laboratory Handbook, 2013

8. F. Feigl, V. Anger. Spot test in inorganic analysis, 6th edition, 2012

9. Froede, R.C.: The Laboratory Management of the Medico-Legal, Specimen Analytical Chemical Laboratory Sciences.

10. G. Svehla, B. Sivasankar. Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 2012

11. Gail Cooper, Adam Negrusz. Clarke’s Analytical Forensic Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Press, 2013

12. Gleason, M.N. et. al.: Clinical Toxicology of Commercial products, Williams and Williams, Baltimore USA, 1969.

13. Holfmann, F.G.: Handbook of Drug and Alchoho Abuse.

14. Maehly and Stromberg : Chemical Criminalistics, 1980.

15. Modi’s: Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology, M. M. Trirathi Press Ltd. Allahabd, 1988.

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Specialization In Forensic Chemistry And Toxicology

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Advanced Forensic Toxicology

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FACT & FACT Plus Notification – May 2024
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Elective II: Forensic Document Examination (Fact & Fact Plus May 2024)
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Elective IV: Forensic Chemical Sciences (Fact & Fact Plus May 2024)
Elective V: Forensic Psychology (Fact & Fact Plus May 2024)
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