Forensic Psychology

Multiple Choice Question

Question- All of the following are impulse disorder, except:

a.) Pyromania

b.) Trichotillomania

c.) Kleptomania

d.) Capgro’s Syndrome

Answer- d.) Capgro’s Syndrome

Explanation- An impulse control disorder is a condition in which a person has trouble controlling emotions or behaviors and constant urge to do things.

Pyromania is an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist impulses to deliberately start fires, in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification.

Trichotillomania (TTM), is an impulse control disorder in which person can not resist the urge of hair pulling disorder. it is a mental disorder characterized by a long-term urge that results in the pulling out of one’s hair.

Kleptomania is an impulse control disorder in which a person can not resist the urge to steal items. The things that are stolen are not needed for personal use or their monetary value. 

Capgras syndrome is also known as “imposter syndrome” or “Capgras delusion.” People who experience this syndrome will have an irrational belief that someone they know or recognize has been replaced by an imposter.

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